How many bars can I eat per day?
We recommend eating 1 to 2 bars per day (as a morning snack, for a snack), accompanied by a glass of water (or herbal tea) and a seasonal fruit.
How to fight nausea with bars?
Nausea is normal during pregnancy. However, our Chocolate Energy Bar contains ginger, which helps reduce pregnancy nausea and aids digestion. We recommend splitting your food intake. In case of morning sickness, we recommend taking a bite as soon as you wake up, before getting up.
How are LDFM's snacks better than other brands?
They are designed to give you key nutrients naturally. They do not contain any synthetic vitamins. The blend of seeds, oilseeds, grains and grains is tailored to your needs. Our bars are manufactured in an ISO 22000 certified organic facility, licensed to manufacture baby food. Our snacks are not only delicious, they are healthy for you and your baby. They are made with organic and local ingredients, are minimally processed with a low glycemic index and have less sugar than other bars.
Can anyone eat LFDM bars?
Sure! We thought about expectant and new mums when we created our recipes, but they're perfect for anyone who wants a healthy, indulgent snack that's full of nutrients!
Is it a meal replacement?
Our snacks are designed to satisfy cravings between meals. They are not meal replacements. It is important to remember that pregnancy is a time to eat a variety of balanced foods!
Are they vegan?
Our Energy and Immunity bars are vegan. Our breastfeeding bar contains honey and is therefore not labelled as vegan. It is important to note that during pregnancy, a 100% vegan diet is not recommended.
What are the benefits of energy balls?
Our energy balls are made of dates. Eating dates in late pregnancy is effective for the duration of labour, it decreases the duration of the active phase, as well as the second and third stages of labour. Dates contribute to more efficient uterine contractions by better preparing the cervix, saving energy, requiring less time for full dilation of the cervix and shortening labour.
How to ease labour pains
Dates have been used by pregnant women since ancient times. They have soothing properties and help reduce the pain associated with childbirth.
How many Energy balls do you consume?
We recommend consuming 6-12 energy balls per day.
Are they vegan?
Yes our energy balls are vegan.
Combien de temps laisser infuser ?
Infuser 1 cuillère à café par tasse, 7-10 minutes à couvert à 90°.
Comment consommer les infusions ?
Les infusions Milk mama et Welcome baby sont idéales en cure : 2-4 tasses par jour sur la période souhaitée. Pour l'infusion welcome baby, consommer pendant le dernier mois de grossesse, ainsi qu'après la naissance pour pleinement profiter de ses bienfaits.
Les plantes galactogènes qui composent l'infusion Milk mama peuvent être un allié dans les périodes difficiles comme:
- En cas de grosse fatigue ou de stress, qui impactent la lactation.
- La reprise du travail (rythme différent, diminution des tétées ou des tirages).
- Vouloir produire plus de lait pour faire des stocks (retour au travail, sorties sans bébé)
- La prise de contraceptifs hormonaux, peut avoir pour effet secondaire de diminuer la production de lait. Egalement certaines mamans à l’approche de leur cycle menstruel peuvent ressentir une baisse de lactation.
Ces infusion sont-elles adaptées au début de grossesse ?
Les tisanes et infusions on plusieurs avantages pour les futures mamans. Cependant il est important de se renseigner sur les plantes autorisées. Certaines plantes sont déconseillées aux femmes enceintes car elle peuvent avoir un impact négatif sur le déroulement de votre grossesse. N’hésitez pas à vous tourner vers un professionnel de santé comme votre gynécologue ou encore votre sage-femme pour répondre à vos questions.
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